The website of the Japanese toy retailer Takarajima Create Group has posted a solicitation sheet that revealed that an anime adaptation of Rino Mizuho's Happy Kappy shōjo manga has been green-lit. The story revolves around Suguri Kinoshita, a nine-year-old third-grade girl who loves animals and making fashion accessories. One day, while Suguri is out buying materials for accessories, she comes across an unusual rock. Thinking it would look cute on a bracelet, she goes to pick up the rock and discovers a creature named Kappy. Kappy happens to be the three-year-old prince of Kapimeshia.
The manga has been running in Shogakukan's Shōgaku Ichinensei and Pucchigumi magazines since 2007. (Pucchigumi runs the manga versions of Jewelpet Tinkle, Stitch!, and Lilpri, all of which have anime tie-ins.) Mizuho created The Magic of Chocolate horror manga, which is also getting an anime adaptation.
According to the sheet from Takara Tomy Arts, five varieties of Happy Kappy mirror-and-comb sets will be sold in Japan in early April.
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